PhD: Crisis or Opportunity? Post-capitalist possibilities of community currency movements (Phedeas Stephanides)

Phedeas Stephanides Doctoral student 3S (Science, Society and Sustainability) Research Group, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK @P_Stephanides website:     Phedeas’s PhD research […]

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PhD: The local embedding of technologies through community-led initiatives: the case of sustainable energy (Jake Barnes)

Jake’s PhD research focuses on the nature of community energy innovations and the journeys they undertake. As such it complements the meso level focus on ‘niches’ of the larger research project ‘Community Innovation for Sustainable Energy’ and develops temporal knowledge on how grassroots actors go about their innovations.

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PhD: Civil society roles in transition: towards sustainable food? (Rachael Durrant)

This project is analysing the contribution of organised civil society in the UK towards sustainability transitions in the socio- technical trajectories of food production and consumption. Specifically, the study aims to describe and explain the different innovative strategies adopted by civil society actors wishing to influence the direction of those trajectories.

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PhD: Transforming Sustainabilities: Grassroots Narratives in an Age of Transition. An Ethnography of the Dark Mountain Project (Jeppe Graugaard)

Jeppe’s PhD research focuses on how narratives can create cohesion around novel ideas and practices in sociotechnical niches, through an in-depth case study of the Dark Mountain Project, a cultural movement that emerged from a critique of the progress narrative of modern societies.

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